1. Identification of the person responsible for the treatment
BIOS, a company dedicated to IT consulting activities and IT facilities management activities, identified with NIT 900404482 and domiciled in the city of Manizales, at the address Ecoparque los Yarumos BIOS building, with telephone number 3126307973 and email: contacto@bios.co; hereby informs you that it handles personal data and privacy of information through its legal representative Jorge William Arboleda Valencia.
BIOS is solely responsible for the processing of information registered in our Databases. The above is in compliance with and in pursuit of the provisions of current regulations and the guidelines issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for the management and control of the same.
2. Principles
BIOS bases the use and treatment of information contained in its databases on the following principles, which allow us to discern the pillars of a responsible policy:
Legality: BIOS is seeking the mandates that the Personal Data Protection Law, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce and other authorities provide to structure a serious and responsible policy that ensures the correct treatment and privacy of the information contained in our databases.
Purpose: BIOS undertakes to ensure that the use of personal data contained in its databases is solely and exclusively that which is referred to in this document; the only exception to revealing it for a reason other than that contained herein is when an entity with the competent authority demands it.
Freedom: The processing of personal data will be carried out in accordance with the prior, express and informed consent of the owner, both for information already registered and for new records.
Veracity or Quality: The veracity of the information registered in our Databases depends on the information provided by the owner at the time of making the corresponding registration. BIOS assumes, in good faith, that the information provided by the owner and the data it contains are true.
Transparency: BIOS is committed to advancing all the steps and carrying out all the procedures in the search for compliance with the legal mandates, in a transparent and clear manner, both before the owners of the information contained in the databases and before the authorities.
Restricted Access and Circulation: Access to the information, as well as its circulation, will be restricted and will be subject to an Internal Policy that supports the responsible use of the data contained therein.
Security: BIOS will seek to protect the information stored in its Databases by adopting practices that prevent damage, adulteration or loss of the information, as well as unauthorized or fraudulent consultation, use or access.
Confidentiality: All information from the owners will be handled, preserved and maintained confidentially in accordance with the guidelines of the control bodies and other provisions that indicate the responsible treatment of the databases.
3. Rights of the Owner and Duties of the Controller
BIOS has as its priority in regard to what this document provides and obliges, to safeguard the rights of the owners and acquires the firm commitment to comply with the duties in accordance with the provisions of the regulations and guidelines of the competent authorities. 1.1 undertakes to:
- To permanently guarantee the owner full and effective respect for the rights that assist him in relation to his personal data through the email that is established for this purpose.
- To preserve the information in accordance with internal policies that allow guaranteeing the implementation of security measures, avoiding damage, adulteration, plagiarism or loss of information, as well as unauthorized consultation, use or access or any other conduct directly linked to the quality of Responsible and that does not derive from involuntary errors that can be corrected by the responsible party.
- To inform the owner of the information about the purpose of collecting it, whether it is for activities related to the mission of the Responsible party, complementary activities or any justified purpose that is contemplated, as well as the rights that assist him over this.
- To allow access to the information only by the respective owners, their successors in title, legal representatives, public or administrative entities in the exercise of their legal functions, by court order or persons authorized by law.
- To comply with the requirements, guidelines that issued by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce and other competent authorities on the policy for the processing of personal data and management of information.
- Inform the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce when eventualities arise, violations of information security protocols or there are risks in the administration of the information provided by the owners.
4. Authorization and consent
In accordance with current regulations, Decree 1377 of 2013 and Law 1581 of 2012, BIOS must obtain prior authorization from the owner in order to carry out the use and processing of his or her personal data.
Consequently, BIOS requests the due consent of the persons whose data is registered, prior to carrying out the registration process. Once the registration of personal data has been carried out, the handling of the information stored in the databases will be subject to BIOS's processing policies, its internal operating policies designed in accordance with the legal mandate.
Authorization and consent will be given in writing in the formats provided for this purpose.
5. Conditions of use, treatment and purpose of personal data General
In compliance with the regulations governing the treatment of personal data and use of information in accordance with the right to Habeas Data, BIOS will use the information stored in its databases only to establish physical and/or virtual contact in the development of actions that require the execution of its activity, IT consulting activities and IT facility management activities.
Sensitive data and information on children and adolescents
Sensitive data shall be understood as those that comply with the definition of article 5 of Law 1581 of 2012, and whose treatment will comply with the provisions of article 6 of the same law, as long as there is authorization in accordance with article 6 of Decree 1377 of 2013. Given the above, BIOS declares that it has established in its internal policy for the treatment of personal data, the protocols established by the Law and to which it will be subject regarding the treatment of sensitive data.
On the other hand, BIOS will comply with the provisions of Article 7 of Law 1581 of 2012 regarding the processing of personal data of children and adolescents, except for those data that are of a public nature. In such case, BIOS will comply with the special requirements for the handling of this information in accordance with Article 12 of Decree 1377 of 2013.
Thus, BIOS declares that it has established in its internal policy for the processing of personal data, the protocols established by the Law and to which it will adhere in regards to the processing of personal data of children and adolescents.
6. Responsibility and Management Policy
BIOS has a responsible commitment to the processing of personal data, therefore, it works on the continuous improvement of its policies so that the owners and the authorities find in our conduct best practices in a continuous and uninterrupted manner in the processes of collection, storage and use.
BIOS is committed to respecting the rights of the owners of personal data. These rights correspond to: knowing, updating, rectifying, deleting or revoking authorization of the information that is registered in our databases.
Always concerned about compliance with the legal provisions and guidelines issued by the competent authorities, in order for the owner to make any of the requests stated in the immediately preceding paragraph, as well as make complaints and claims, BIOS has provided the following email as an official communication channel: bios@politicadeprivacidad.co. When an owner makes a request through the channel provided for this procedure, BIOS will effectively carry out the corresponding procedure for said request within the time periods provided by the Law, taking into account the nature of the request, after demonstrating the authenticity and verifying the veracity of its ownership.
BIOS is not responsible for requests sent through channels other than those provided for data processing.
7. Publication, application and temporality
The treatment policy shown in this document will be applicable exclusively to the treatment of personal information registered in our databases. The policies established in this document will be applied from the date of their issuance and will remain in force until modified according to internal criteria adjusted to the Law or as directly provided by current regulations.
BIOS may make changes to these policies at any time and without prior notice; said changes will be published at: https://www.bios.co/en/politica-datos It is the responsibility of the owner to be informed frequently and at his/her own expense of the changes made.
8. Privacy Notice
The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to allow the owner to have control over his or her personal data, to make known any changes in this regard and to be able to access the privacy policy whenever required, for which BIOS has established its personal data processing policy as follows: Data policy
In order to strengthen the policy contained in this document, BIOS reiterates, according to legal mandate, what is provided here in numerals 3 and 6, regarding the rights of the owner and the use, treatment and purpose of the information.
Paula Marcela Arias Pulgarín
C.C. 30325160
Legal Representative
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology of Colombia - BIOS
NIT. 900404482-6